Capture your screen on windows


Best screen capture utility to get the exact screen shots without the sharp edges.It gives the best quality picture that has already modified from the old one. Although you have the inbuilt screenshot utility Snipping tool in windows 7/8 but it is different from that like It removes the corner edges to give the exact picture 
It automatically handles and re correct the image on auto-semi transparent background and rounded corners
And removes transparent background
IT has the special feature that any image can be convert into your favourite one(JPEG,IMG, PNG....)

It is free to use and easy to customise with utmost quality. So i recommend this to use if you want to get the image in a good Quality

Windows Screen Capture Tool

It is the capturing tool designed for work with the windows systems With this capture the whole screen, capture a selected area or any web pages.Watermark can be done on the image to protect your image with a copyright logo.


  • Capture screen efficiently and east 
  • Having the shortcuts to use it in an easy manner
  • Metro UI
  • Having option to capture window,screen and selected area
  • Give copyrights to your images by adding custom text watermarks to the Image
  • Includes a basic Image Editor
  • Requires .NETFRAMEWORK4.0 installed in your operating system


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